Sunday, September 20, 2009

Day 235: Dexter: Season One (2005) - Rank 5/5


The funny thing about this review is I watched season one in practically one sitting waaaaay back in January, but forgot to post a review. Why? Shit - there's not much to say on this one. "Dexter" had one of the strongest openings of a new show that I can recall, with every episode practically perfect in writing and execution. I believe it justly rivals "Twin Peaks" for the title of "Best First Season Ever" (though the original "The Outer Limits" has a predominantly strong first season). There are countless television programs that I love that suffer from the first season doldrums to such a point that I often have trouble fathoming that these shows actually made it through their first couple of years without falling prey to cancellation (I suppose that the competition those years was pure dreck). Some examples that come to mind: "South Park," "I Love Lucy," "The Simpsons," Seinfeld," and practically every permutation of "Star Trek." Granted, the shows stood out on their own right at the time of their respective premieres, but the first seasons almost seem more of a novelty when viewed in retrospect once seven to eight seasons have been tucked under the shows' belts.

The first season of "Dexter" wrapped itself up as neat as one of Dexter's victims, the season playing itself out more like a miniseries. Had the show been cancelled, the season would have stood on its own - a trait I've come to understand that the subsequent seasons hold to. Michael C. Hall plays the titular forensics expert/serial killer with finesse, dancing that fine line between smooth and smug to the point that you truly admire the guy. But despite "Dexter's" rising popuularity, it seems that serial killers are still rather passe. I find it strange that in our commercial-oriented society, where the actions of the proetariat are easily influenced by Hollywood "celebrities," that the streets aren't thick as theives with ax murderers and the like. Am I advocating mass murder? Certainly not. However, the media endeavors to take a sensationalistic angle on everything reported, even the utterly mundane. They need something sensational to latchon to. Though I suppose it could be argued that "Dexter" has influenced members of our society to such a degree that those existing serial killers have modeled their methods of body disposal after his subtle means. Okay, now this is just getting weird.

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